Karen's Day at Shands

Karen wanted a place for family and friends to be able to see how she is doing each day at Shands. This is how she is making that happen.

More good news


Don: On her visit last week they lowered Karen’s steroids again. Her blood work is so close to normal (again) that they decided that she does not have to return next week. She gets to wait for two weeks before her next appointment. At that time they may reduce her more or even stop the steroids. It is a slow process to get back to ‘normal’ but we are moving in that direction. Please keep praying for full recovery.

Made it through a whole week!


Don: We made it. Last Thursday Shands told us we didn’t have to come back until this Thursday. A whole week! We made it and are going to be heading out soon for a morning appointment. Besides the blood work and labs they called and told Karen that they will remove her port. That is another good thing. We expect that they will lower her steroids again tomorrow. We are getting closer to being off the steroids completely. That is another important mile stone.

Have a great weekend everyone. Pray for Karen’ other Mother also. She is in the hospital and they have finally put in a breathing tube and feeding tube. She is doing better but may have to be in the hospital a little while. God bless you all for keeping Karen in your prayers. They definitely help us both!!

One day a week


Don: Shands said they only need to see Karen one day a week! That is a huge step for her. She is a little scared to be that far away from Shands for that long but she is home this week. I will run her over there on Thursday and come back the same day. The kids will love getting back to a little more regular schedule and so will we.