Karen's Day at Shands

Karen wanted a place for family and friends to be able to see how she is doing each day at Shands. This is how she is making that happen.

Following the rules


I was just watching this man go down the hall that had already lost most of his hair and recently got a buzz cut on the rest of his head. He was looking for the shower near the nurses station. He did not have his mask on, which is standard operating procedure when a patient leaves their room. I thought all the nurses were going to jump the counter to mask him. He was a big guy and appeared a little independent (grumpy might also describe his attitude right that moment). He just headed into the shower room (where he does not have to use a mask)  but I bet there will be more than a little excitement and education to come if he enters the hallway again with no mask.

This just drove home in my own mind how important it is to mask and constantly clean our hands. You might know that your hands are clean but you just touched something else and you don’t know who else touched it and what germs they may have left behind. When it comes to the mask you have to assume the same level of care is needed. If you are visiting someone remember that you just walked passed many people in the lobby, elevator and hallway, sharing the same air you are breathing. How do you know that none of they have a contagious item that you may end up carrying into the room. For this same reason there are many rooms where you must wear a new gown each time you enter.

What I have learned is that you just can’t be too careful. If you are a patient, do what they tell you. Don’t be embarrassed, don’t be stubborn and just remember that it truly is your life you are here to save. If you are a visitor and you think you there is just no way that you would or could transfer a germ to your loved one, so you think you don’t have to follow the visitor instructions…stay home and send email.

A trip to Shands or any cancer center is about clinging to life, whether you are the patient or the visitor. It is important. It is serious. Treat it as such.

As for Karen, she takes the precautions she has been instructed to follow. All of our visitors have, also. They made the trip here to visit because of how much they care for her but the real caring is shown in how conscious they are of the rules. We love you all. Thanks for the love you have been showing Karen.

posted under Notes from Don
6 Comments to

“Following the rules”

  1. On October 25th, 2009 at 2:46 pm Marsha Dunaway Says:

    Hi Sweetie, I just got through reading and updating myself on the blog. I am so glad to hear you had a nice visit with Don and the kids.I think like you that Heather looks like a Princess,Randy a Superhero, and the young ones some how remind me of Mario…Ha Ha !!!!! I had a good day, and visit with Steve,Monika and Joshua…do you know that Monika is expecting again and is just starting her second trimester. She is just getting over the yuks too, and getting a baby bump.. Steve is so proud,but nervous too. My Deb is such a help to me. I know I would not be able to make it on my own.She is very protective of me and mine.Dan helps out around the house,but it is almost to much for us to keep up with.Well,I am going to go.I just want to say I love you and I am praying for a full recovery.My church elders are praying for you too.Also I have friends lighting candels and praying for you. Aunt Barbara,and Dottie are praying as well.That is a lot of praying…Baptist,Catholic and interdemonational. All Christ belivers.Goodbye for now .Auntie M

  2. On October 25th, 2009 at 7:13 pm Laura McIver Says:

    Hey Karen,
    Just thought you might like to find out that I have been thrown…..that’s right thrown. You could have laughed and paid me back for laughing when you fell off Mercedes. I took a trail ride with Ashley. Ashley rode Babe and I rode Mocha…the two year old. We rode…like idiots….down the highway and down Kathy Lane. She was great…..not afraid of cars, no spook…nothing. My confidence in her was gaining and I thought I had stumbled onto an awesome minded horse……..then it happened. On our way home we cantered (second time). I must have bounced too much and she bucked hard…..harder and got worse. I felt like I was a bug in a whirlpool. Off I went flat on my back only inches from the pavement…..thank you LORD. Needless to say after the breath was knocked out of me and back obviously damaged and in desperate need of a muscle relaxer….I managed to gain the strength to climb on again. What does stupid look like? hmmmm? Oh yeah, MEEEE! Don’t have a clue what got her the second time…but this time I thought I can manage…I got her head turned see…after all they cannot buck with their head turned right? ha ha ha! This one can. She was like a bronc on steroids. I got thrown between Babe’s legs and kissed the ground. Babe ran sideways with Ashley, but Ashley maintained. Then if that was not enough…Mocha runs right into the highway and falls and deep gashes her knee. Needs stitches, but since I have had enough experience with ripped stitches in knee….I decided to take care of it country style….duck tape. Put the skin right together. Anyone want a free horse. Just thought I would brighten your day. Cannot wait for you to climb back in the saddle…..til then God Bless and keep your head up! After looking down throws you off balance 🙂

  3. On October 25th, 2009 at 8:10 pm Mary Bus' Kummer Says:

    Hey Don & Karen,
    I know exactly what you are talking about ..on the mask and hand washing…We are going through Chemo and Radiation with my dad..and it is so hard to make your family and friends understand that he really needs his rest and protection from germs , etc. Don how you put this is great…i might have to steal some of your phrases for my siblings…
    I prayed really hard for you tonight at mass Karen…for comfort and strength. Take care … Thoughts and prayers daily for you and your family. Mary Bus’ Kummer

  4. On October 26th, 2009 at 8:03 am REO Says:

    SO Glad to hear you had such a WONDERFUL visit with your family!! Such precious times. I don’t check email or such on weekends but wanted you to know we think about and pray for you EVERY day. It is uplifting to see how many friends you have that hold you so dear. It is also great to see how love lives in your family with your sister’s looking after you. However, Im a little concerned about your little sister…. I think you better hurry up and get well so you can get back home and look after her…… Laura! What were you thinking?!! Oh yeah, Im GLAD your OK.

  5. On October 26th, 2009 at 8:35 am Chris Burdeshaw Says:

    Hi Karen,
    Hope you are feeling better today very glad you got to see your children. That alone has it’s healing power, only a mother could know. I’m sure your visiit from your sisters and everyone else was just as important. I don’t know if you got my comment from before but hopefully you did. Keep your chin up, the Lord as we know, has more healing power than anyone. I know he is walking with you every step of the way. He will never leave you alone. I know this is a very difficult time for you and your family. It is hard for anyone to see thier child have to go through so much. I would take this in your place if I could. Lots of love and prayers going your way. If there is anythiing we can do to help please let us know.
    Chris Burdeshaw

  6. On October 26th, 2009 at 11:06 am Angie from WV Says:

    Hey, It was so good to hear your voice the other day. I just got off work this am. I have you on my mind and can’t sleep. I’m praying for you daily and the whole family. Mom and I will be there soon. We love you. From reading all the comments on each daily update, If healing came from love alone. You would have all this behind you already. I pray for you to have the faith of a “mustard seed”. I can’t help but to look around and realize how awesome God is. God is in control. And he will be right on time. His time. We need to keep watching for him with faith and love. We all have a cross to carry, some heavier than others, some larger, some smaller. I know as a child of god when we see others with a burdened, heavy cross; we should put ourselves and our cross aside and help others. I pray that god will show me how to help you carry this cross. CHILDREN OF GOD WE HAVE A JOB BEFORE US, SO AS WE BAND TOGETHER BEFORE CHRIST WE ASK THAT KARENS BODY MIND AND SOUL BE HEALED. we must show christ that we are standing as one, with our minds made up and we expect no less. GOD WILL DELIVER ON TIME.

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