Don: Guess who has counts of 500? That’s right. Karen. White blood cells have been at zero for 3 weeks and started moving up two days ago. First to .1, then .2 and now they are at .5. She is getting platelettes tonight because she was all the way down to 5. The normal range is 150-450. They don’t have to jump too quick usually not gving them until she is under 10. Anyway, we are moving in the right direction. Just have to start getting her off of oxygen and pain pump. We have already been working on that, too. It won’t be long before they discharge her, this keeps up.
She has had two full days of visits from the Fantastic Four. The kids have been just great. All hanging out with their Mom in a crowded hospital room. They brought our Wii from home, another computer of mine and two computers of Heathers. We never had just one kid here at a time, but with all the distractions that were available she still had some one-on-one visiting with each of them.
Yea !!!! God is so Good !!!! Karen I love You,you are the Warrior Princess!!
Keep it up.Auntie M
Karen, I am so glad to hear that your counts are finally on the upswing. I am also glad to hear that the visit with the kids went so well! So many things to give thanks for. I am praying for you everyday even though I have been unable to come by. Talk to you soon, Leslie