Karen's Day at Shands

Karen wanted a place for family and friends to be able to see how she is doing each day at Shands. This is how she is making that happen.

Few more hours of chemo


Don: When you are going through something like this, you tend to mark off every little step you take. It is almost 1:00am at the end of Day 3. The night time bag of chemo is a very slow bag though. We won’t be done until around 2:00 in the afternoon. The chemo will continue to work on her body for a few days and then her body should start trying to recouperate from what it has been through. The blood work they do daily indicates that things are going very well in regards to cancer cells lowering in number. The real measurement is still 11 days away though. She still faces a lot once we reach that point but we must first get into remission!

Thanks for coming by and the notes you all send her.

posted under Notes from Don
2 Comments to

“Few more hours of chemo”

  1. On November 4th, 2010 at 6:44 am Michele Mays (Giese) Says:

    Karen, may you find strength in the days ahead. God is good and he will get you through this time. Stay strong and know that you have an amazing family, a wonderful husband and caring friends who loves you to NO END!! I am thinking about you and praying everyday for you and for your family. Take care and I love you!

    Don, thank you so much for updating us and being such a wonderful husband to Karen. You are a blessing to her and all of us.

  2. On November 4th, 2010 at 3:55 pm Chris Burdeshaw Says:

    Karen hang in there girl you are a very strong person to have been through what you have been. Love and prayers comes to you in every direction. I’m sure people who have never prayed before is praying for you and your family. You definately have lots of friends and loved ones. You have an amazing husband and parents along with your children. God won’t let you down he is by your side constantly all you have to do is let him know you know he is there. Karen I can’t imagine anyone not loving you. You are amazing. Keep the faith up, put God first as I am sure you do and love him with all you have. Please remember if there is anything I can do for you or your family I will be more than happy to.
    Love you girl
    Chris Burdeshaw

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