Karen's Day at Shands

Karen wanted a place for family and friends to be able to see how she is doing each day at Shands. This is how she is making that happen.

Lost track of the days already


Don: This is going to be a long procedure. On one hand things are supposed to move very quickly. On the other it seems that they are going very slow. To me, it seems that Thursday jumped straight to Saturday. There really hasn’t been much difference in the last three days here.

Karen get’s up and takes a walk a couple times a day. Her appetite is still pretty good. We watch a moive at night from a bunch of selections the hospital has on VHS tape or that her parents had on DVD in the camper. That would explain why we may miss a day during this time period, the days are just so similar.

Friday was a little different for me. I got up at 4:45, visited with Karen for about an hour and then hit the Interstate headed back to Panama City. I got home just in time to brush my teeth (even though I hadn’t eaten anything yet), jump back in the car and drive to the dentist. About an hour later they had finished pulling a tooth, gave me a persciption and sent me out the door. I got the pain medicine and headed back to Gainsville. I got back to Shands about 5:00 their time. Of course I never ate that day. All I took for pain was two Tylenol right after the appointment. I at least got lucky that I don’t have a lot of pain from the tooth.

Saturday seemed just the same as the other days to me. I sleep in a chair that makes into a bed. Karen and I wake up, talk, eat breakfast, watch a movie, eat lunch, her parents come in, we visit, I ran to Wal-Mart, when I get back we visit and then they leave around 5:00. Karen eats dinner, we talk, I watch a movie and she goes to sleep. Now it is time for me to do the same thing.

posted under Notes from Don

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