Karen's Day at Shands

Karen wanted a place for family and friends to be able to see how she is doing each day at Shands. This is how she is making that happen.

Missing Karen!


Don: Looks like they just might be asking Karen to stay in the Gainesville area after she gets out today. They want her to come to clinic for lab work on Friday. This is a real bummer because this month the boys didn’t get to come to G’ville for a visit even though they were out of school. I have gone back to work and it looks like it may be harder than before for me to get to go back when Karen starts her next consolidation cycle. That will be cycle #3. She is really being a trooper but the time she is in Gainesville away from the family is very hard on all of us. It is great that her parents are available and have a real desire to be there for her when I can not be there, but it still isn’t the same as being home. I think that part of this whole scenario is even harder mentally and emotionally than the chemo!

Still, we pray for the best final outcome first and then for the trip to be tolerable! Looking forward to getting Karen home for good. We love you Baby!

posted under Notes from Don

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