Karen's Day at Shands

Karen wanted a place for family and friends to be able to see how she is doing each day at Shands. This is how she is making that happen.

Oct. 23


wow, I don’t know how it is for everyone else, but It seems like time is flying for me.  This is a good thing.  I had a rough nite but am feeling better now.  I have completed by 7 and 3 chemo dosing and am now just waiting on my blood counts to drop out.  I’ve only actually thrown up once and I am considered nuetropenic at this time.  I get really gittery on my insides mostly at night but it seems that ativan and an occassional pain pill helps.  I am trying to only take what I need because they already have to give me so much as it is.  I didn’t know ativan melted under the tongue can have an immediatley reaction to stop nausea.  praise God.  I am really excited today because 3/4 kids are coming.  2 boys tonight and Heather tomorrow. Randy is away at Harding University and will have the hardest time visiting.  But God is doing something so special with him that I know he will be strong.  I can sometimes feel him holding me up in front of my savior and praying over me.  Thankyou Randy, my firstborn Son.  I know what you are doing I my behalf, I can feel it:)

And Don,  I can’t wait to see you.  I know I don’t call alot but that’s because I miss you so much.  I don’t like to think of you not here with me so I just try not to think about it.

Jake and Dylan, and Heather, I can’t wait to see you.  I hope you are not too bored.  this room is small and not too exciting but just the fact that we are together will be enough.  and there will be others here to entertain you some.

Ginny washed all my clothes today so I have plenty of clean clothes.

gotta go, nurse needs something


posted under Notes from Karen
4 Comments to

“Oct. 23”

  1. On October 23rd, 2009 at 11:01 am karenc Says:

    This is just a thankyou for all the people posting or call: Rick Wright, God bless you, I love to hear that voice of yours. thanks for calling. Ma, and Heather, and Lisa and Lisa, and all my coworkers, and barn friends! you are all amazing!!! love karen

  2. On October 23rd, 2009 at 11:35 am Aunt Sue Says:

    karen, I’m so glad you have this “blog” so we can hear from you daily.
    Everyday on lunch, I check on you. We ( Sue, George, Danny & family,
    Greg & family, Angie & family) and many friends are praying for you.
    May GOD intervene and keep you with us to do his work. May your treatments help you and not be so harsh. May GOD guide your every footstep. Bless your heart little one. Tell your mom and dad and the rest of the family we are praying for them also.GOD BLESS,
    Aunt Sue

  3. On October 23rd, 2009 at 11:36 am REO Says:

    YOU are amazing… such an uplifted spirit in your words.
    NOW….. keep that grip, keep your seat in the saddle and don’t let this horse buck you off!!!!

  4. On October 23rd, 2009 at 3:54 pm Debra Hurley Says:

    Dear Karen,

    I heard the news just recently and I want you to know that you’ve on my mind and in my prayers. I saw your sister Laura Tuesday night, she is so concerned for you. She gave me this website to I can stay in touch. I saw Heather at church on Sunday and she filled me on your progress. I’ve read from the beginning and am filled with awe at your will, your faith and positive outlook. You’ve always been an optimist and that will help get you through this. But, its the grace of God and you’re faith in Him that will bring the real healing. Lean on Him, as I know you are, trust in Him, he will not forsake you. Please know that you are in my heart, mind and prayers are on my lips for your recovery. Get well my dear friend. Love and prayers in Christ, Debra

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