Karen's Day at Shands

Karen wanted a place for family and friends to be able to see how she is doing each day at Shands. This is how she is making that happen.

Pearl’s Country Store (wi fi)


Hi everyone,  I am feeling better today.  My stomach seems to be settling down some and it helps having enough blood to walk and breathe.  My white count is still probably low but hopefully recovering.  I almost ran a temperature last night so we spent alot of time praying.  Praise God it never went over 100.1f and our orders were to call at 100.5.  Keep praying that I will stay well and get to come home soon.

I got a call from Johnny Dukes this morning.  He is taking care of my horse “Elvis”.  He is one of my favorite people in the whole world and can definitely take a girls mind off her problems.  We talked about horses and when we get to work together again.

Also Don showed up in the middle of the night 4 am.  And I was so glad to see him.  He can only stay for the weekend but I really need him.  Any time I can get is a blessing.  He helps me stay more positive.  Poor Mom and Dad,  I get so mopey at times.  They have been so good to me.  We have had to be at the hospital almost everyday this week.  We get there at 8 am and don’t usually get to leave before 2pm.  And I have been so tired and sick in between.  glad we are nearing the end of this treatment. 

I love you guys,  thanks for keeping in touch,


posted under Notes from Karen

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