Surgery Bay Medical Center
So they started with a nice laproscopic procedure but after they got in decided they needed to go in through an incision in my abdomen. For those that don’t know, laproscropic is just a few tiny little holes in the abdomen, but with an incision, it ends up being about 4 inches or so straight up and down, at the belly button. Anyway, they removed a mass about the size of a tennis ball, and put me all back together again. I was on a clear liquid diet (that is nothing to eat that you cannot see through, for 6-7 days. I was also on a patient dosing morphine pump a big part of the time, so I was also in “La La land”, and not necessarily in a good way. I think the morphine made me see and hear very weird things. As soon as I closed my eyes all kinds of colors and graphic objects would start swirling around like rivers. I was scared to close my eyes, but of course, the morphine made me very sleepy. Glad that part is over. All in all, I was hospitalized from monday to tuesday (8 days). Dr. Morris sent off my mass to get evaluated, but told me at the time, that it just looked like a lump of lymphnodes all clumped together and he couldn’t say for sure, but that he didn’t think it was cancer. I remember thinking at that time, that it would be very strange for a bunch of lymphnodes to gather up for no reason and start causing trouble, but whom am I…next apointment friday Oct 2, with Dr. Morris for post op and hopefully results…