Karen's Day at Shands

Karen wanted a place for family and friends to be able to see how she is doing each day at Shands. This is how she is making that happen.

Want to walk with us?


Don: For those of you who aren’t here, let me draw a picture in your mind. We are in an area that has hallways that make a ” T “. Karen must stay inside that space. We are on the top part of that T and sort of to the left. When we step out the door we usually go to the left for about 80 feet until we get to a set of double doors. We then turn around and go back the way we came for about 240 feet and we meet another set of doors. Walking half way back (120 feet) we turn to the left (the nurses station is on our left at the corner) we walk to the end of the hall (130 feet), turn around, walk back, turn left for about (40 feet) and then we are home.

If you add all that up we only walk 740 feet on one round trip. We sometimes do a little more instead of stopping at the door. We have read all the posters and plaques and viewed all the pictures and photos. We will be moving to the new Shands Cancer Hospital on November 1, 2009. It is right across the street and they bulit a tunnel under the road to connect that hospital with the existing one. More on all of that later!

posted under Notes from Don

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