Karen's Day at Shands

Karen wanted a place for family and friends to be able to see how she is doing each day at Shands. This is how she is making that happen.

Missing Karen!


Don: Looks like they just might be asking Karen to stay in the Gainesville area after she gets out today. They want her to come to clinic for lab work on Friday. This is a real bummer because this month the boys didn’t get to come to G’ville for a visit even though they were out of school. I have gone back to work and it looks like it may be harder than before for me to get to go back when Karen starts her next consolidation cycle. That will be cycle #3. She is really being a trooper but the time she is in Gainesville away from the family is very hard on all of us. It is great that her parents are available and have a real desire to be there for her when I can not be there, but it still isn’t the same as being home. I think that part of this whole scenario is even harder mentally and emotionally than the chemo!

Still, we pray for the best final outcome first and then for the trip to be tolerable! Looking forward to getting Karen home for good. We love you Baby!

Shands on Wednesday


Hi everyone,

I’m still here in the hospital.  They will probably let me go home tomorrow (Thursday).  I am feeling a lot better and no fever.  All of my blood counts are on the rise and some are near normal.  Only complaint is a bloated tummy that’s tender, but I have that most of the time.  Not sure if it is caused by the chemo or the support meds.  Makes me want to wear maternity tops with low rise denims…or pajamas or sweats of course.

Can you guys believe how cold it is?  In florida?  When is it going away?  Brrrrr.  It is very sunny here is Gainesville this morning, but everyone that comes in, is complaining about how cold it is outside.  I worry about my dogs and horses.  I hope they are staying warm somehow.  Hopefully my dog has figured out it is warmer in my sisters barn (she is keeping him for me). 

Can’t wait to come home.  I don’t have the next schedule yet, but all is well.  When do we get our ticket? Right before we get on the train.  Stay warm and safe,

love Karen

trip to the ER


Hi everyone.  We are now 5 days into the new year.  I am excited about this year.  In spite of everything, I think it is going to be a good one.  Happy 2010 🙂

Sunday night I started running a fever and had to come to the ER.  My white blood cell count is still really low so I can’t fight off an infection.  They ran a bunch of tests, started IV antibiotics and admitted me here to the 7th floor.  I am in room 7120.  I hope to go home tomorrow but I could be here longer.  They have not found any infection but I feel like it was my sinuses.  I had alot of pain in my face, like my upper jaw, teeth, cheeks, and some pressure behind my eyes.  They did a CT of my head, and that came back normal too.  Anyway, the fever is gone and so is the pain.  I am feeling alot better and of course…WANT TO GO HOME.

This is day 20, and they usually let me go home at day 21 if all is well.  Keep your fingers crossed.  Short of having a donor we will come back  to Gainesville for more Chemo in about a week.  We don’t have the schedule yet.  I am really looking forward to seeing my kids and having some time at home.

Keep up the prayers to our heavenly Father,

love Karen

No news is good news…


Don: When it comes to Karen and I missing a few days of posting on http://KarensDay.com the old saying “No news is good news” really is true. It means that everything is normal. We aren’t having any trouble. Today is also a ‘normal’ day. It is day 17 and Karen’s counts were low enough that they are giving her 2 bags of blood and a bag of platelets. It is 12:40pm and we are only on bag 1. We will be here a while today. While that sounds boring (and it is) it is OK because this is what it takes to stay in her good conidition while going through the treatments. Thanks for the prayers and please keep them coming.

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