Karen's Day at Shands

Karen wanted a place for family and friends to be able to see how she is doing each day at Shands. This is how she is making that happen.

No news is good news…


Don: When it comes to Karen and I missing a few days of posting on http://KarensDay.com the old saying “No news is good news” really is true. It means that everything is normal. We aren’t having any trouble. Today is also a ‘normal’ day. It is day 17 and Karen’s counts were low enough that they are giving her 2 bags of blood and a bag of platelets. It is 12:40pm and we are only on bag 1. We will be here a while today. While that sounds boring (and it is) it is OK because this is what it takes to stay in her good conidition while going through the treatments. Thanks for the prayers and please keep them coming.

posted under Notes from Don
5 Comments to

“No news is good news…”

  1. On January 2nd, 2010 at 12:34 pm Marsha Dunaway Says:

    Yes,it is a good normal day. It’s a bit chilly here in Orlando,but beautiful non the less.We all have so much to be grateful for,family friends and most of all a God who loves us.I am so glad you are doing good.Lots of Love and Kisses. Auntie M

  2. On January 3rd, 2010 at 12:12 pm Leila Pryor Says:

    Yes indeed I agree No news is good news. Happy New Year Don, Karen and Family. Hey Karen we decided to come home Friday, big mistake, but anyway we did. The New Years Day traffic on the highway was incredibly dangerous, so we decided to try and get off the interstate before dark but I do want to try to get together when you get home and when you have a full tank of gas! LOL! Hope your infusions go well I am sending you out lots of prayers and hugs. Maybe if you are bored you could take an online class this spring semester. Take care and we will chat soon!

  3. On January 4th, 2010 at 10:06 am Tina B Says:

    Karen, you’re missing the cold weather here! It should start warming up on Wednesday, though. I’m actually blanketing my horses right now because temps at our house have been in the low 20’s at night. Josh had to break through ice in the horses’ water trough this morning when he went out to feed; it was at least 1/8″ thick! Brrrrrrrrrrrrr! I’m not sure it’s any warmer in Gainesville, though. Give me a shout when you get back into town and feel up to Red Elephant. Still praying for you, gf, and look forward to seeing you again!


  4. On January 4th, 2010 at 11:31 am aunt sue Says:

    We are all so glad you are better. Sorry, I didn’t send out cards. We had a large snow storm with down power lines, phone lines, trees across the roads. Angie and I were traveling back from Cleveland and I became stranded at her house for one day. George was very worried since I couldn’t even call. I didn’t prepare much for Christmas. We had a good one though. We now appreciate those things we usually take for granted. I’m back to work today and my students and I will celebrate Christmas tomorrow. Never to late.Ha! This must sound scrambled, I’m on break. Take care, we love you. Aunt Sue

  5. On January 5th, 2010 at 9:40 am Theresa Strickland Says:

    I am thinking about you and praying every day.

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