Karen's Day at Shands

Karen wanted a place for family and friends to be able to see how she is doing each day at Shands. This is how she is making that happen.

back in gainesville


Hi everyone!  We came back to Gainesville this morning.  Today’s admition was cancelled when we got to the hospital, so we will be admitted tomorrow (Wednesday) and discharged on Monday of next week.  Then we will have 2 weeks here in Gainesville, with daily visits to the clinic for blood work, etc.   I feel sooo good!  I am almost back to my old self!  I need to remember that I can feel this good when I don’t feel good!  It’s easy to forget and just think I will never feel normal again.  Chemo really affects the way you feel.   You get “chemo brain”.  It gets harder to think and say things that make sense.  Also you feel so shaky.  And your hands and body actually shake, like your blood sugar is low.  and I think it makes you cry too.  I didn’t used to cry much, and now I cry at the drop of a hat.  These are just a few of the things…but anyway, by day 28 of the “chemo cycle”, I feel pretty normal!!! 

I had a wonderful week at home.  I visited with some of my friends, and my family and I celebrated a wonderful early Christmas.  The kids opened their gifts on Saturday, so we had Sunday and Monday to watch them play with their new stuff.  Jake got a long board (skate board thing), and lots of new clothes, and Dylan got lots of games and a marble roller coaster that is really cool!  Heather and Randy both got money (college kids).  We all had stockings full of candy, and grandma, grandpa, Laura, Darren and Kody all came over for our traditional Christmas breakfast.  We love to do ham and eggs, and bacon, and sausage gravy, with biscuits and toast, and dippy eggs.  Then we make room for pies (store bought of course) and egg nog.  We made Christmas cookies this year- wow!  what fun!  What a mess!!  I think Kody really liked it (he’s 3)but we are glad not to do it again until next year!

Also, good news!!  I may have a Bone Marrow Donor soon!  Isn’t that great!!  The coodinator told us today, they have 5 possible matches, they are doing some prelimary blood work on now.  Five potential donors!!  We will let you know when we hear something.

Love you guys,


posted under Notes from Karen
4 Comments to

“back in gainesville”

  1. On December 16th, 2009 at 8:59 am Tina B Says:


    That’s awesome news about the potential donors! I’ll definitely be praying that you’ll get a match! Any idea how long it’ll be before you know something? I’ll be biting my nails, for sure, until I hear. ;-D

    Do you have any idea how much I enjoyed our chat on Sunday night? It was just like old times . . . and reminded me how much I have missed you. We are definitely getting together when you get home. Don’t forget to ask about the New Year’s Eve bonfire – IOW, will it be okay for you to come if we keep you away from the smoke?

    You are an inspiration to many, Karen, and I thank God for you.


  2. On December 16th, 2009 at 10:07 am Marsha Dunaway Says:

    Thanks Karen for your update.I know you would rather be home,but each day spent there is a day closer to going home to PC with a positive treatment done…I will pray that the donor is found soon and that God will f ind a way to get it done.Say Hello to Kelly and Greg for me if you see them. I think that they like their mom have a wonderful outlook and ministry. They have never met me only through Nadine Kannon. You love are in my thoughts and prayers dayly. Much Love Auntie M

  3. On December 16th, 2009 at 4:12 pm Stacie Hengy Says:

    Hi Karen,

    We are finally settled in Houston, TX so I thought I would check up on you. I will be praying for you during your admit that everything goes as planned. I will also be praying for your five potential donors and that one will be hand picked by the great Physician, Yahweh.

    Sounds like you had a great time with your family. I am so glad that you had this time with them. Makes all the difference in the world. Continue to pray and study the word….it will keep you strong on this difficult journey.


  4. On December 16th, 2009 at 8:49 pm Mary Bus' Kummer Says:

    Merry Christmas Don and Karen,
    Sorry i haven’t been able to check your page recently..but you continue to be in my daily prayers. My dad has been in the hospital for over a week now in Kidney failure. He is making improvements daily…So all my time off from work has been spent at BMC with him and helping my mom. Today is the first evening that i was able to come home. I will begin moving my furniture to there house this weekend to help them out. Have my mobile home up for sale if you know anyone interested. Take care and God Bless!!
    Merry Christmas. Mary

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