Karen's Day at Shands

Karen wanted a place for family and friends to be able to see how she is doing each day at Shands. This is how she is making that happen.

belly problems, back in Shands, more whining


hi everyone, guess what?  I am back in shands hospital.  I am so disappointed.  I am supposed to be at home with my kids.  I got a really bad stomach ache on saturday and it hasn’t really gotten much better.  I came to shands monday for routine lab work, but the stomach ache had to be addressed.  I have had an xray and an abdominal CT.  they were not letting me eat anything but finally started letting me eat some stuff today.  I was so hungry since I haven’t eaten since early saturday,  I pigged out! 

The xray showed alot of gas (go figure), and probable constipation…hmmm.  the CT shows some kind of small intesinal wall thickening.  They are not sure what it is.  I had an enema today to hopefully relieve the one problem.  My belly is so big I look pregnant.  They are hoping to get things “moving” again. They are working on a plan to determine what to do about the CT results.  they will probably order another CT in a day or so.  meanwhile,  I am here and not with my boys!!!  I am supposed to get admitted next monday or tuesday for round 4 of consolidation chemo therapy so I really wanted to be at home with the kids this week!.  Please pray that all this will be resolved and I will get a few more days at home with my children.  I have a history of stomach problems so I am hoping that this will not be anything serious. 

Other than tummy trouble, I am doing great.  I don’t have any fevers, my blood cell counts have recovered and I was enjoying my time at home with the family. We did get a whole week together so that was nice.   I am at least half way done with my treatments so, I know I will eventually be home with them for good.  Please continue to pray…much love


posted under Notes from Karen
3 Comments to

“belly problems, back in Shands, more whining”

  1. On February 24th, 2010 at 8:30 am Leila Pryor Says:

    Karen , I am praying for you and your family. Please hurry and get to feeling better. Sometimes the chemo can affect the pancrease and cause lots of belly pain. you might want to ask them to check lipase if they have not already . Probably so they are really smart characters there. Hopefully you are just full of hot air. Anyway keep up your spirits girl. I am thinking of you.


  2. On February 25th, 2010 at 11:00 am Tina B Says:

    I’ve been thinking about you a lot, Karen, and praying for you. I’ve actually been meaning to call and feel bad that I haven’t done so. I had also hoped to catch up with you when you were home this time. We might be going to Cape Coral this weekend to visit John’s sister so even if you came home this weekend, we might not be here so that you and I could catch up a bit. Please continue to pray for Julie (John’s sister), that her heart will soften toward God. I love you, girl – you take care!

  3. On February 26th, 2010 at 10:45 am Tina B Says:

    Hi Karen! We’re not going to Cape Coral this weekend – possibly the weekend of the 20th, though. If you do get back in town this weekend and have a few minutes to spare, give me a call if you want to get together! Maybe we could have a bite at Newk’s with you, Don, your boys, and my gang! If not this time, maybe we can plan it for next time. Love you, girl – don’t ever forget it!


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