Karen's Day at Shands

Karen wanted a place for family and friends to be able to see how she is doing each day at Shands. This is how she is making that happen.



Don: Karen is doing much better today. It is 6:30pm Shands time and she has been sleeping most all afternoon. She woke up and ate a little dinner and promptly went back to sleep. We were up very late last night though and there is not much to do when you are stuck in a room in the hospital so I am not concerned about the long nap. She has not needed much medicine througout the day today. Now let’s just see how the night goes.

They did finally about an hour ago that the CT scan of the sinuses was was negative. The chest did show a little something but it did not appear to be anything to be worried about at this point. With her counts being 846 (we like to reach at least 500) up from 220 yesterday, the plan is to just wait and see how the night and day goes tomorrow. If she has fevers again they will call in some pulmanary doctors to examine her. If she does OK then I get the impression that they believe her body will take care of what was minor on the scan.

The nurse just came in and told me that Karen’s plateletts stayed at 63 today and that her white cells went from 1.8 this morning to 2.9 this afternoon. Both reports are what we needed to hear. You get blessings when you need them.

posted under Notes from Don

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