Karen's Day at Shands

Karen wanted a place for family and friends to be able to see how she is doing each day at Shands. This is how she is making that happen.

Blood counts are over 2200


Don: Day 15 of 100 (5/22/2010) Blood counts are over 2200. That is a long way from how high they will go but the goal during treatment is to grow back to at least 500 after they have knocked you down to zero. So from here forwrd we don’t think about counts much. Cancer treatment is about taking it day-by-day and winning the little battles. The war will take care of itself. For a couple of days now the issue has shifted to fluid retention. Karen is wearing compression stockings to help with that. She had me take photos of her swollen legs because she has always had “bird legs”. 😉 Her phrase not mine! I guess she just wants to remember what she looked like with a little meat on her legs.

That reminds me that we may not have mentioned she did lose her hair again after the treatments. We buzzed the long stuff off when she started pulling it out. I got to do it this time and her head just looks so cool to me with the black stubble look. Now, about a week later it is getting the clean shiny look. What a perfect little, smooth, round head she has. I love to rub it while we watch a movie. She really likes the way it feels but tells me that I better enjoy it while I can because she won’t be shaving it in the future. As fast as she can grow out her hair the bald look is out of here!! She was really proud of her one inch hair when it came back last time. Then when it hit 2 inches she was feeling sexy again. I loved to comb it for her.

Thanks for all the prayers that we have received. She is on many prayer lists. If you have a prayer list that you can add her to, please do. Later, Don

posted under Notes from Don
One Comment to

“Blood counts are over 2200”

  1. On June 4th, 2010 at 7:25 pm Marye & Jim Pope Says:

    Hey girl! Sounds like things are looking up. Gainesville is a neat little town to explore when you get some of your strength back. So sorry you are having to go through all of this, but just remember “Be of good cheer, God is in the Plan”. An old boyfriend used to sign all of his letters that way and then he got fresh with me anda I quit dating him!!! LOL But seriously it has stuck with me. Hi to MOm and Dad.
    Keep your spirit up,
    God Bless,
    Marye & Jim Pope

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