Karen's Day at Shands

Karen wanted a place for family and friends to be able to see how she is doing each day at Shands. This is how she is making that happen.

day trip


Hi everyone,

We took Leila’s advice and asked for a day pass to leave the hospital for the day.  It was wonderful.  Don had some work to do (computer stuff) so he had to meet up with us later.  Mom and Dad and I went to a western boot store, and then met Don at the Oaks Mall.  We got a bite to eat and enjoyed some walking around.  I’m exhausted but it was great to leave the hospital.  I have been feeling pretty good.  I have not been nauseous, just a little tired.  I’m having some discomfort in my upper lung area on the right just under my central line but all here are aware.  It’s probably just muscular since Don and I shared this twin sized futon last night. 

I really enjoy going over to the clinic side in the mornings down on the 7th floor.  I have met some really great people and we sit and visit on the couches and chairs while they wait on their blood work or tests or whatever.  Its a great time to share and motivate each other to keep up the good fight.  Alot of them have already been through the bone marrow transplant and are outpatient.  It’s rewarding to see the people that are doing so good.  Don and I also go and visit the 7th floor  patients there too.  My friend Natalie is doing really good now, but she had a ruff go for a while there.  I’ve spent alot of time praying for them as I know they do for me. 

love you guys,karen

posted under Notes from Karen
One Comment to

“day trip”

  1. On November 21st, 2009 at 8:33 am Heather Says:

    THat’s great, I’m glad you can leave the hospital when you’re feeling well enough. And it probably feels good to be so tired after and just sleep like crazy. 😀

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