Karen's Day at Shands

Karen wanted a place for family and friends to be able to see how she is doing each day at Shands. This is how she is making that happen.

Counts not up yet


Don: For those of you that have followed us through any of our past treatments you know that blood work counts always go down to zero. Under 500 you are neutropenic. That means no immune system and you just have to be extra careful. No sick visitors allowed and no fresh fruits and veggies. We are watching the counts everyday and it is about time for them to start coming back up. I should be any day now. Let’s have a little pep rally and cheer those White Blood Cells back into existence.

Physically Karen is doing very well and we take regular walks. When we take walks they are 30 minutes to 45 minutes long. Considering we are just walking around in a circle, I am real proud of her sticking with it. They are so important. Between prayers, Shands staff and Karen’s efforts, she is moving forward once again. She is uncomfortable but they manage the pain very well so it is tollerable. We will let you know when the counts start up!

posted under Notes from Don

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