Karen's Day at Shands

Karen wanted a place for family and friends to be able to see how she is doing each day at Shands. This is how she is making that happen.

Day 5 is over, all is well


Don: Karen told me this morning that the laptop is not working. Now, that is a drag! I talked to her about 3 times today though. Let me fill in the blanks on what happened today.

Laura went home this afternoon.
Ginny arrives tomorrow.
Ken bailed on them about 5:30pm.
Mom spent the night with her.
Karen felt pretty good all day and took a couple extra laps around the floor.
She is already tired of the food and has started ordering off the menu. I do mean ‘off’. She is ordering then that are not even on the menu. Tonight she had tomato soup, grilled cheese and mashed potatoes. She is still eating pretty well but tastes are changing from the medication.

Forgot to tell you all yesterday, they moved her into a new room. This one has a shower and a toilet! No more going down the hall for a shower or having to use the port-a-potty behind the screen in the corner. Seriously, this was a big deal to us!!

Good night, Karen. Hope you get the computer to work tomorrow. No telling what I will tell the fans if you aren’t here to tell your own story!

posted under Notes from Don
4 Comments to

“Day 5 is over, all is well”

  1. On October 20th, 2009 at 6:58 am Lisa Says:

    Thanks Don for keeping us up to date while Karen’s laptop is not working! She is so lucky to have you.

  2. On October 20th, 2009 at 7:18 am REO Says:

    Don, Support and understanding – – you are doing a fantastic job. This is why guys have strong shoulders – – because we need them to lean on.

    Karen, Just a note to let you know I just said my morning prayer for you and your family. You’re strength is amazing. Will continue my prayers for your each day.


  3. On October 20th, 2009 at 10:44 am tiffenie Says:

    Hi Karen We miss you here. I am so glad you have such a great husband and lot’s of support. I will keep all of you in my prayers in this trying time. It was such a shock to me I can’t even imagine. try to stay as strong and positive as possible your know that keeps the spriits up. I will keep in touch. Love ya Tiff

  4. On October 20th, 2009 at 1:11 pm Leila Pryor Says:

    Hey girl
    Just thought I would drop a note to say hi. Hope you are doing well again today. Keep up alot of exercise if you can the stronger your body is the stronger your mind will be. But of course you know that already you are a nurse. If you know the address there please post it along with the room number . Take care and glad you got your own pot. LOL

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