Karen's Day at Shands

Karen wanted a place for family and friends to be able to see how she is doing each day at Shands. This is how she is making that happen.

Driving through the snow…


Don: You have to read the title to the message to the tune of “Dashing through the snow, on a one horse…”. Good now I am not the only one with that stuck in my head. I really just meant that I wonder if I will be driving through any snow tonight on I-10. Since Karen didn’t get to come home on Monday (or Tuesday or Wednesday or Thursday or Friday) I am not willing to risk not seeing her while we hope she will come home Saturday. I am about to get off and hit the highway. Madeline will get to have the night off from staying with Karen at the hospital and I will get to see Karen! If she comes home tomorrow she can ride with me. Whether she comes home tomorrow, Sunday or Monday at least we will have had the time together some where. I promise to drive safe!

posted under Notes from Don
2 Comments to

“Driving through the snow…”

  1. On February 12th, 2010 at 10:14 pm Madeline Brunty (MoM) Says:

    The doctors are going to keep Karen until Monday for her safety. They definately have her best interest at heart. These bugs could wreck havoc on her if not treated properly. This is an awesome hospital experience getting to know this extraordinary staff. They treat you as if they have had a personal experience being in your shoes. Secretly. I think everyone has bonded with our sweet daughter. The seperation from family and friends has been much more trying this time than ever before. We treasure your prayers. Almost every day, God sends a special “angel” in human form to minister to us. Some day, I may tell all the faith that has surrounded us in this time.

  2. On February 13th, 2010 at 11:56 am marsha Says:

    I am so glad you are able to document your journey.I know that Jesus has sent his angels to minister to all of you everyday.I know that Karen is a very special lady and that our Lord and Savior has many more things for her to do. I love you guys and I am praying for your safe trip home,for Karen to beat the nasty bugs.I love you all so much sometimes it feels like my heart will bust. Me

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