Karen's Day at Shands

Karen wanted a place for family and friends to be able to see how she is doing each day at Shands. This is how she is making that happen.

friday, march 19


hi everyone,

We have good news.  We found out yesterday I have been approved for medicaid.  I called Shands immediately so they could get the ball rolling for a transplant.  There will be a lot to do between now and then and I of course do not have a schedule yet.  I may get some information monday of next week.  I think I will have to recover completely from this “consolidation chemo” before we can take the next step.  probably means at least 4 weeks, but at this point just a guess.

I have not been feeling good; blahs from chemo, and I pulled about a 100 muscles in my upper back/chest.  may have joined a gym in my sleep, and forgot to tell anyone. 

My sister Laura stayed with us wednesday nite and we had a blast.  She and Dad and I, sang country songs, while Dad picked the guitar.  My good friend Renee and her Dad also came over for a game of yatzee.  Mom and I really enjoy playing board games.  Renee is scheduled for her Bone marrow transplant at the end of this month so we are all real excited.  Her family is now camping right next to us here at Sportsmans Cove.  They are learning to adjust to “camper life”, and are really loving the beauty of this place.  It is really nice having a chemo friend for a neighbor.

Don and the kids are coming to visit tonight.  yeah!!!!!  We will have the weekend together and then they go home again sunday.  This will be my “low week” coming up so lets pray i get through it without any problems.

God is so good,

love karen

posted under Notes from Karen
2 Comments to

“friday, march 19”

  1. On March 19th, 2010 at 10:14 am Gale Wright (your other Mom) Says:

    Hi Sweetie,
    Was good to hear the good news about Medicaid. So happy that your boys and Don will be joining you tonight. Will be good for all of you. It is great that you and Renee are neighbors, better yet that you are such good friends. But, you are such a dear person, to know you is to love you and befriend you. Glad to know that Renee is a special person, too.
    Have a good weekend, my sweet Karen, and know that we love you and continue to keep you in our hearts and prayers.

  2. On March 19th, 2010 at 1:40 pm Tina B Says:

    Praise God, Karen! If you only knew the many people praying for news like this! I’m so glad you are able to get the ball rolling and that the transplant is now in the works! I’m so excited for you! Please make sure you let us know as soon as you know anything. I must say I look forward to passing along the good news at Small Group tonight, so everyone can know how their prayers are being answered. (Wow, I actually have 2 sentences in there that don’t have exclamation points. LOL!).

    Anyway, we’ll celebrate when you come back after this round and before your transplant. When will you be coming back home?

    Our God is an awesome God! Love ya, girlfriend!


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