Karen's Day at Shands

Karen wanted a place for family and friends to be able to see how she is doing each day at Shands. This is how she is making that happen.

Good Morning everyone!


Don: We had a message on the home answer machine last night. Even though it was late (and I would be calling eastern time zone so it is even later there) I decided to dial the number. I figured I would get some answering machine and could at least confirm the phone number. Well, we have a new ally in our efforts to move forward in getting Karen’s needed treatment. Her name is Kathy. She is a nurse case manager for AWAC, which is a company often referred to as a third party administrator (TPA). Their function as a company is to help move things forward. It may not always be the direction someone would like but it is movement. We have been feeling like we were stuck in the normal red tape this type of situation can bring.

It is too early to tell you much because that was just first contact last night. We hope to have more news as quickly as the end of the day. Kathy’s job is multi leveled in that she is to help determine if a procedure is medically necessary and then help the patient get it if it is really needed. While doing so she negotiates between the insurance company and the hospital. It also sounded like she has knowledge of grants and other methods of help/support if there is still a shortage of funds for a needed procedure.

Prayers are answered every day. This was another one. Please continue to pray for Karen’s health and our future together as a family.

posted under Notes from Don
2 Comments to

“Good Morning everyone!”

  1. On February 6th, 2010 at 8:01 am Gale Wright (your other Mom) Says:

    That is good news — a blessing indeed. The good Lord hears and answers our prayers. Karen is so special and deserving, and I appreciate you so much for standing with her and offering much needed emotional and physical support. She is continually in our hearts and prayers. Love you both.

  2. On February 6th, 2010 at 2:57 pm Leila Pryor Says:


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