Karen's Day at Shands

Karen wanted a place for family and friends to be able to see how she is doing each day at Shands. This is how she is making that happen.

great time at home


We have had such a great time.  Dylan and I have been putting together puzzles of dinosaurs, and Mom and Dad have been coming to visit daily.  Laura and Kody came over and we all sang karaoke again.  Laura can really sing so that makes it nice.  Dylan is good too, and they both know a lot of songs.  Eventually, kody who needed a nap, was trying to shoot his mother with a nerf air gun…this made for some interesting recordings..lol.  I also am very proud of myself because I actually made a nice dinner for my family.  See these are the things we take for granted.  I did not (for a change) feel like the kitchen slave, but a mom…tears again…. I loved it.  They all ate well and no one complained. 

My children prefer me in a wig or hat as opposed to “ala natural”, which I think is funny.  I can just show Jacob the edge of my bald head and have him cringing.  What’s the big deal, there Daddy has been balding for years.  Sure he has more hair than I do but still… 🙂  Dylan actually enjoys rubbing my head, but then he wants the hat back on.

We’ve had plenty of catching up to do.  We spent hours searching for a lost telephone. Jacob finally found it in the couch.  Now Jacob’s cell is lost, so the search continues.  Poor Don has had massive loads of laundry and cleaning to do while also going to work daily.  I tried to get most of the unpacking done, but wow what a chore.  It could take a while to dig out from under all the paperwork necessary to complete this process.

Mom and Dad are taking me to Gainesville this afternoon at 4 pm.  I have a 9 am apmnt for a blood draw and visit with the Doctor.  Then back home.  We will soon have the plan for the next go.  I really hope they give me a little more time to get my strength back.  I am not ready to leave again for anything long term.  Pray for my strength to proceed.

I love you all,  and you and your comments are making a huge impact in my life.  I never knew I had so many friends and people who care… it feels good.  Thanks to everyone for all your help in this, love karen

posted under Notes from Karen
7 Comments to

“great time at home”

  1. On November 11th, 2009 at 1:09 pm Madeline Brunty (Mom) Says:

    Karen is still feeling the after effects of the Chemo. It’s almost like one’s body has been on a marathon race. The exhaustion afterward is extreme. The people at Shand’s were tremendous. They kept Karen comfortable as possible during treatment. They are a group of SPECIAL people and my thanks go out to each of them. They showed genuine care, compassion and concern. God Bless them!!!! We are NOT looking forward to the trip. We are all tired from the previous one. When we came home we had a lot of catching up on business to do. Not to mention the inevitable housework. YUCK!!! Honestly, folks, we treasure each and every one of you! Your thoughts and prayers keep us going. Karen is a fighter and we will make it through this next round victorious. God and us is a majority. Amen! He is our Rock and Fortress. God Bless you all.

  2. On November 12th, 2009 at 7:37 am Cindy Knight Says:

    I’m so glad you are home. You have a great support system and even though we have never met I’m glad you are my cousin, such strength and courage and great family surround you. You are in my prayers. Cindy

  3. On November 12th, 2009 at 8:37 am REO Says:

    Prayers for strength, continued courage, good results today and a safe trip back home.
    Karen, you sound so upbeat, that’s GREAT. What a wonderful, loving family and support group!!! Don, you’re doing a GREAT job too!!

  4. On November 12th, 2009 at 11:12 am aunt sue Says:

    Did you people in Florida hear the shouting from W.V.? We are so glad you are possibly in remission. Thank GOD. Prayers have been answered.
    He is amazing! We love you, Karen, and will continue to pray for you.

  5. On November 12th, 2009 at 11:23 am Michele Mays (Giese) Says:

    Karen, I hope you have wonderful news today. I pray for you and Don and I know with God, you will get through this. Just want you to know I am thinking about you.

    God Bless,

  6. On November 12th, 2009 at 8:22 pm Mary Bus' Kummer Says:

    continued thoughts and prayers going your way…I know that God is using his healing powers on you…I am so glad you have such a great attitude. Make sure you get the good drugs for your biopsy next week. May God Bless You and continue to heal and Strengthen you daily.
    Many prayers, Mary Bus’ Kummer

  7. On November 13th, 2009 at 6:51 am Beth Says:

    Hey Karen,
    We all miss you here and are thinking about you a lot. Stay strong girl! You are amazing!
    Beth, Nadia, Karema & Ragab

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