Karen's Day at Shands

Karen wanted a place for family and friends to be able to see how she is doing each day at Shands. This is how she is making that happen.

how am I doing?


Hi everyone.

  I am so improved from where I was it is not funny. 

My only Problem;  I seem to have chronic pain and no body really knows why.  It could be from the prednisone that I continue to take (for now),  or it may just be the simple fact that I have had a  bone marrow transplant.  This is what the Docs and PA’s have suggested.  I try to avoid taking any pain medication but it helps me do all the things I enjoy,  like maybe get out of bed in the morning lol.  Of course sleeping all day is pretty cool too. hmmm.  They are lowering my prednisone dose tomorrow , which is always a little scary for me as I worry about getting “graft vs host disease”.  Prednisone is an immuno-suppressive medication that reduces the risk of the GVHD, but it has so many negative side affects that the sooner I can be off of it the better.   Tommorrow is clinic.  We are only having to go once every 4 days now instead of 4 days (or more).  ugh!  oh yeah,  and all my lab work has been perfect for months.  So,  all is well here in G’ville!

I am really missing my kids, and my pets, and my home and getting excited about coming back home.  August 15th is my “special 100th day”, but I hope to sneak home a little sooner for a few days when Don comes home to go back to work on Aug. 1rst.  We will see.  It would only be for  about 3 days.  And mom and dad would bring me back here on the 4th I  guess.  They may not consider me ready, and of course I will be compliant.  Did I say compliant or complaining?  lol 

keeping in touch,

love you guys


posted under Notes from Karen
2 Comments to

“how am I doing?”

  1. On July 25th, 2010 at 9:19 pm Tina B. Says:

    You can be compliant and still complain about it! LOL! Still praying for you, gf!

  2. On July 31st, 2010 at 9:15 am Uncle Tom & Aunt Ellie Says:

    Hi Karen
    Glad to hear that you are doing a little better. You are a real trooper. Keep up the good work and with God’s help and a bit of patience, you will be back to your old self in time. You are in our prayers, and prayers work wonders. Love you.
    Uncle Tom & Aunt Ellie

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