Karen's Day at Shands

Karen wanted a place for family and friends to be able to see how she is doing each day at Shands. This is how she is making that happen.

I love Gainesville


Don: It did not take long for me to fall in love with Gainesville. That might seem strange on the surface. It doesn’t have a beach. My family doesn’t live here. Karen’s family doesn’t live here. Our horses aren’t here. I really could go on and on about how this place is not Panama City! No matter what PC has though, it does not have a few things that Gainesville has.

  1. Shands. Nurses, doctors, PAs and all support staff.
  2. Pastor Calvin Carr at the North Central Baptist of Gainesville. www.GatorChurch.com

The first gave us this whole last year of memories and the second has really helped keep us in God’s hands. Pastor Calvin was here today with his son, Jerre. Now that was uplifting!

posted under Notes from Don

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