Karen's Day at Shands

Karen wanted a place for family and friends to be able to see how she is doing each day at Shands. This is how she is making that happen.

Let’s be honest


Don: This cancer battle – being in Gainesville for most of 14 months, in Shands this time for more than twice the number of days we had to be in after Bone Marrow Transplant, missing the kids, our lives on hold and the list goes on – stinks. On so many levels we are frustrated because we are not in control. We are troubled about the one step forward, followed by the two steps back. We all feel it. Madeline and Ken feel it. Dennis, Dylan and Jacob feel it. Ma, Big Randy, Randy and Heather feel it. Karen’s sisters, my brothers and Dad feel it. Don’t even try to list all of the friends, nurses and others who also know just how much this stinks. They feel it, too. That’s the honest truth.

I just got off the phone after having a conversation with Dennis. It reminded me that you all need to hear from us, even when things aren’t great and especially when they are. From where you guys sit, not knowing may be worse than knowing. Well, here is some more honesty. We are scared. When I say “we” I definitely mean every one of us. Yet we have a peace. The peace comes from the prayers that are said, over and over, for Karen by all of us. If you believe in Jesus and you believe in prayer, then you must feel a peace when your prayer ends. Madeline found a new song on YouTube that sums it up for all of us. Listen and see if you agree.

posted under Notes from Don
2 Comments to

“Let’s be honest”

  1. On December 7th, 2010 at 2:31 pm Michelle Ginn Says:

    Please know you continue to be in thoughts and prayers of many you don’t even realize.

  2. On December 7th, 2010 at 3:52 pm Madeline Brunty (MoM) Says:

    We are all winners that know the King of Kings as our redeemer. He came to save me (and you) that was lost. He is just a prayer away. Trust him for your tomorrows.

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