Karen's Day at Shands

Karen wanted a place for family and friends to be able to see how she is doing each day at Shands. This is how she is making that happen.

monday clinic


whew.  what a day.  I am still groggy from all the benadryl I had to take today.  Benadryl is a premedication to prevent reactions when you need blood or platelets.  I had a reaction to the platelets anyway, so I had to have an extra dose of benadryl through my IV port.

I also needed an antibiotic Vancomycin (strong stuff which also caused me to itch all over)  for a possible skin infection at the site of my IV port.  It is looking a little pink and tender under the dressing so they want to be careful that I don’t get a blood infection.

Back to clinic in the morning for more fun.  Poor Dad.  mom usually doesn’t come with us on clinic days so he has to go down there and sit around waiting for me to get done.  He likes to play Sudoku (numbers game) on the laptop, so that entertains him for a little while.

Today was mom’s birthday and tomorrow is dad’s birthday.  I can sure think of a better way to spend my birthday than at clinic…Maybe they will have a post birthday dinner date when we get back home.  Mom cooked an awesome meatloaf dinner for us so that was nice.

My kids are back home after a great weekend together, and all is well,

love Karen

posted under Notes from Karen
4 Comments to

“monday clinic”

  1. On February 1st, 2010 at 7:31 pm Gale Wright (your other Mom) Says:

    Give your Mom a birthday hug for me. She and your Dad were so great to us when we visited.
    Glad you enjioyed your visit with the boys and Don. I know they had a great weekend ’cause they were in such wonderful company.Sorry you have had such a day today, wish we could take some of this for you. But, you know we can and are praying with you. And I think of you all the time because you are always in my heart.
    Love you very much, Gale

  2. On February 1st, 2010 at 9:25 pm Dennis Says:

    Please say HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Ken and Madeline for me (from Jake & Dylan, too).

    Jake & Dylan had a wonderful time in G-ville and said they really loved the camp site in the historic area. Lots of stories about their Longboarding and ripstiking exploits.

  3. On February 2nd, 2010 at 9:58 am aunt sue Says:

    We are all so happy that God has answered prayers and you are in remission. Tell Ken and Muff happy birthday for us. We are in the middle of basketball season. Katellynn and Cliff play highschool basketball. Both are very good. We had a snow day yesterday. (no school) I’ll be glad to see spring. I’m so glad you have this website and we can here from you.
    Brittany is a good cheerleader and will be in state competition. We spend a lot of time with our grandchildren. Maybe we will travel to Florida this summer. I’m retiring this year so we may travel some. Love you girl and you are always in our prayers. Aunt Sue

  4. On March 14th, 2010 at 7:59 pm Ivan and Lydia Griffin Says:

    Dear Karen,
    I have just read the last 3-4 months of your journal entries, and I am amazed at your cheerful, positive attitude! Hopefully, you are done by now and you are at the camper. What a loving family you have! Please give our love to Ken and Madeline and tell them we miss them. Please tell them, too, that we have their first two DVDs of the Truth Project, and I don’t know how to get them back to them. Shall I mail them to you down there? Shall I mail them to their address here?

    We have recently been introduced to Bananagrams by some missionary friends, and we promptly went out and bought a game.

    Karen, here is a missionary story to hopefully encourage you. About 4 years ago friends of ours who live out in a tribal village had a bandit break into their house one night. He took Carol’s wedding ring and engagement ring and all the money in their zippered money pouch (but Jim requested that he please leave them the pouch because they used it all the time). The next morning, to their amazement, they found the wedding ring on the floor, but search though they might, the engagement diamond was gone. (It had been given to Jim by his grandmother and it had great sentimental value.) A few months ago, (four years later) and in the States on furlough, they discovered one day the engagement ring was right there in the pouch that they had been using all these years! So, God has His ways of saving and keeping and caring for what is His own.

    May you have a good two last weeks down there.


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