Karen's Day at Shands

Karen wanted a place for family and friends to be able to see how she is doing each day at Shands. This is how she is making that happen.

More better


Don: It is 6:20am on Wednesday. Karen’s counts have gone up again. Today they are 1215! Finally we are recovering. It took longer this time and we had a couple of extra bumps but we are getting to the other side of this treatment. No fever last night or this morning. She had an accompanying headache with the fevers before. The headache is still there though and we will be getting something for that. They had done a CT of the head a couple days ago when the first headache showed up. Nothing there. I mean no bleeding or blood clots.

posted under Notes from Don
2 Comments to

“More better”

  1. On April 3rd, 2010 at 1:25 pm Marsha Says:

    Hi,Hey,Hello!!!! He is Risen !!! I thank God for the Nurses and Doctors that have had your comfort and care in their hearts. As a care giver you know that sometimes it can be rough.
    We are going to celebrate Steves’ 38th BD today. Monika is making dinner and probably buying a cake and ice cream. I can’t believe that he is that old , or that I am that old. Oh well,times flys , they say , when you ae having fun?? It hasn’t been all that and a bag of chips sometimes,but I know that I have been in the care of our Good Lord,even if I didn’t know it at the time.
    Have a Blessed Easter !!! I send love to you and yours today. Aunt Marsha

  2. On April 3rd, 2010 at 9:17 pm Tina B. Says:

    I’ve been gone all week to Space Camp with Josh and haven’t been able to check on Karen’s blog here (having had no internet access all week) and wasn’t able to call because we were limited to calling only after 9 p.m. central time (which is when everyone was either back in the dorms or the hotel). Thank you so much, Don, for keeping Karen’s page updated so I was able to see what’s been going on when I finally made it back over here tonight. Karen, I’m praying for you and I keep you continually on my prayer list. I’ll check back again soon. In the meantime, have a blessed Easter and know that you are loved!


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