Karen's Day at Shands

Karen wanted a place for family and friends to be able to see how she is doing each day at Shands. This is how she is making that happen.

Oct 24, Family visit – Heather, Gale, Mom and Dad


Heather and Ma (Gale) also got to come.  They showed up a little later in the day, so our visit was stagered a little.  This gave me an opportunity to catch up with Ma and her family, and spend a little time with Miss Heather.  I am going to try to get a little more one on one with my baby girl today, before she leaves to head back to T-town for School.  One thing for sure, she is very beautiful.  Dad and I were commenting on just how very pretty she is in a hospital mask with those big green eyes that smile all the time.  Princess comes to mind…

They have a little patient consult/visiting room here and it was just the right size for all of us, Mom, Dad, and Don included, to pile in and visit as a group.  I enjoyed this very much ,even though most of us were in masks, LOL!  I sat next to Daddy and we held hands while we visited.  His hands are so big a strong, I love to hold them…

Around 7 pm we wrapped up the day.  I was so exhausted and needed a rest.  It ended up working out well though, because I got sick to my stomach (thank goodness everyone had left first),  and had a nice little “chemo clean out session”.  This ended with a nice hot shower and change of clothes.  O well, what does the bible say about vanity?  chemo is humbling… love to all, Karen

posted under Notes from Karen

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