Karen's Day at Shands

Karen wanted a place for family and friends to be able to see how she is doing each day at Shands. This is how she is making that happen.

Oct 24, Saturday- family visit – Dylan and Jacob


visit with boys

 What a wonderful day.  I got to see, touch, hold my precious children…all but one.  They all wore masks all day, either by choice or coercion (poor Dylan), and I know how difficult it can be to breathe through one of those. 
My Dylan and I went to the “Gym”.  This was great one on one time.  I “exercised” on an arm/leg bicycle thing, while he walked on the treadmill or rode a stationary bike.  I go reallllllly slow and he did notice:)  We eventually played wheelchair games which was the highlight of “gym time”.  This gym is also used for extra storage, so we found a couple of wheelchairs that were just our size…and even though the room is not very big, Dylan was rolling around everywhere and talking about playing “wheelchair basketball”.  We both decided he would be very good at it 🙂
Jacob brought some books that he wrote when he was in the 5th grade.  We sat together in a large chair, while he read them to me.  It was a wonderful time reminiscing,  laughing and admiring the imagination and creativity of his stories.  He is growing up so much…watching him mature into a young man…words just can’t express.  I am so proud.  love, Karen
posted under Notes from Karen

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