Karen's Day at Shands

Karen wanted a place for family and friends to be able to see how she is doing each day at Shands. This is how she is making that happen.

Oct 27, 9pm


hey everyone,

I am really feeling bad.  Don suggested updating the journal to take my mind off things, so here I am.  Hope ya’ll like whining.  I am having pain in the bladderish, pee pee area!  This started mildly about a day ago.  They have done all the usual tests and I have increased my water/cranberry juice intake,etc.  Nobody on my case seems to know what could possibly be causing it. but ….Ouch!! It started getting really bad at shift change tonight, and the pain medicine I have been given so far is not helping enough.  ouch!!! and yes they have done all the normal checks and I have no infection.  These nurses are great though.  They have done a bladder scan (11cc only, to my nursey friends) and they are calling the Doc.  I have been promised good medicine and a comfortable night so….

Today I was very weak and tired and did alot of sleeping.  I did finally manage to get my walking laps in with Dad before they left for the evening.  My appetite has been very good but that seems different today too.  I am so bloated I don’t feel like eating.  Not too much nausea though.  O’well, I hope for good news soon,love karen

posted under Notes from Karen
12 Comments to

“Oct 27, 9pm”

  1. On October 27th, 2009 at 11:04 pm Dennis Says:

    Jacob, Dylan, and I said a special prayer for you tonite…and will say a special morning prayer for you first thing tomorrow Karen.

    Dylan played great in his basketball game (they won 34 – 22). They are now 3 wins and 1 tie.

  2. On October 27th, 2009 at 11:15 pm Lisa Sutton Says:

    Dear Karen,

    I was saving this for a day when you needed to hear something good… Several days ago I was talking to Cathy about you and telling her what your doctors at Shands told you. Remember that her Mother had something similar to your situation and she is still very much alive and well. Okay, I’ll come out with it… Cathy said that her mother was given not as good of odds than you were given and eveyone was very worried. She came through it and had a full recover (no relapses)… basically cured. And that was more than 20 years ago.

    I have full faith that you can make it through these treatments. Just remember, no pain is permanent, it will come AND it will go away too. Also, you are much stronger than even YOU know. Each day you put behind you is a Victory… you can add it to your own personal list of achievements, like notches in your lipstick case Girl.

    I am, of course, praying for you all the time. I am also praying for Don, Heather, Randy, Jacob, Dylan, your folks, your sisters and all your friends that are worrying about you daily. I pray for your strength and for your body to be healed, for your doctors to be guided by God’s hand and for your peace and relief of anxiety for all of us. God wants us to trust in him to always make the best out of everything. And to stay in the present and not worry about tomorrow because he will handle tomorrow. (Easier said than done, huh!)

    I hope that you get a good nights rest sweetpea. I love you.


  3. On October 28th, 2009 at 12:55 am Don Says:

    Don: Thank you both. About the time Karen got done with posting her message, checking her email and a quick review on facebook she got the relief she had been hoping for. They got orders to give her a little stronger pain reliever. She could have from .2 to .4. She most always takes the lower end first to see if that is enough. She doesn’t like pain and does tend to whine a little bit when she doesn’t feel good (I am talking about just normal aches before we started this trip) but she also doesn’t like to use pain medicine. Like Lisa said, she is a lot stronger than she thinks. So she took only .2 (of what ever it was) and we watched a movie. She is now asleep and resting peacefully. The nurses really do know how to take care of the needs of the patients in this area.

    Good night and thanks again. Don

  4. On October 28th, 2009 at 12:03 pm Michele Mays (Giese) Says:

    Karen and Don,

    I just want you to know I am thinking about you both. I thank God that you have each other to lean on and to draw strength. Your in my thoughts and prayers daily. Like the song says, “just one step at a time.” Talk to you soon and love you both,


  5. On October 28th, 2009 at 12:28 pm Dennis Says:

    Karen –

    I saw your next-door neighbor, Jim this morning as I was dropping off Jacob to the school bus. He was asking a lot about how you are doing. It was kind of funny to hear Jake telling him about your website, and then Jim explaining that he did not have a computer.

    Anyway…he said he is praying for you guys always, and looking after your cats (the ones outside at least).There was some comment about you, his wife, and cats…and a shake of the head…

    Get well soon Karen, God is working in a marvelous way through this time of trial. The boys and I are praying for His grace, His strength, His peace, and His LOVE to wrap around you and hold you close and warm.

    Peace & Healing


  6. On October 28th, 2009 at 2:16 pm Niki Says:

    Hey Karen, Jessica helped me find you, I have been getting some other Karens web site. Anyway, sorry you are not feeling well. We miss you!
    EAT! You need the calories!
    Love you Niki

  7. On October 28th, 2009 at 2:18 pm Niki Says:

    Sorry you are feeling so bad.
    Jessica just helped me find your page. I was getting another Karen. Anyway. We are all thinking about you and Miss you.
    love you Niki

  8. On October 28th, 2009 at 2:18 pm Niki Says:

    I will try to write again later at home… I am working and need to get back out there!

  9. On October 28th, 2009 at 4:23 pm Chris Love Says:

    Don & Karen,

    Please know we are praying continuously for you guys. We love you and your family and we are here for you.

    Your friends @
    Youngstown Baptist

  10. On October 28th, 2009 at 7:22 pm melisa Says:

    It was so good to see you today! Just hang in there. You look beautiful . We love you!

  11. On October 28th, 2009 at 10:50 pm Leila Pryor Says:

    Hey Karen- just one of your nursing friends, throwing the ball your way ok girl so think most of these drugs have reanal toxic side effect so goes with bladder, however many of the pain meds produce constipation which can again produce bladder spasam. please review you medication list I know that is probably the last thing you would like to do at present dont make assumptions though do the research. And at best please continue to try to remain as comfortable as you can. If you need a sitz bath then take it, please remember or learn some ideas that can create comfort to you without the use of medication. You have lots of meds going into a small body. IE: when husband was having some difficulty with pain we did at the hospital a relaxing candle lite bath with a do not disturb sign on the door and a relaxing massage to follow works great for the mind and the body. Please do as NIkkI suggested EAT. 1 part baking soda 1 part water rinse and spit as a preventaive for sore mouth from chemo. I promise it really helps . Eat as much as you can get your little fingers on. Exercise, Dont lay around if you can help it. Karen we are your cheerlearders !!!!!! Love all your gang from work!
    Leila and all

  12. On October 29th, 2009 at 9:15 am Patti Says:

    It was so good seeing you on Monday ….. you looked absolutely beautiful, as always. I continue to pray for your complete, speedy recovery from this awful cancer. I am confident, with all your family and friends praying for you, you will make it through this. With such a wonderful, sweet spirit, God is watching over you, I just know it! Crystal said you look so cute in your new hairdo! You should get someone to take a picture …..

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