Karen's Day at Shands

Karen wanted a place for family and friends to be able to see how she is doing each day at Shands. This is how she is making that happen.

Oct 30, 11:20 pm, Friday nite


I feel better.  Today was tough.  I woke up feeling like a prickly pear.  My rash had gotten so bad.  It was everywhere.  Luckily, physician’s assistants round by nine am, and then meet with the doctor.  Anyway, they changed my medications around, took me off what they think the culprit was and added a one time dose of steroids.  I feel so much better.  I still itch but not quite as much.  It seems to be going away.  Hope so.  They will be keeping a close eye on things.  they are so good here.

Also, I got my head shaved tonight.  I told Mom and Dad I was going to do it.  Mom saw me pull out a ton of hair in one sitting.  hair was everywhere.  the floor, my pillow, all over my bed, and clothing.  I just couldn’t take it anymore.  Daddy couldn’t watch.  The night nurse had a set of clippers handy so we did.  It is so liberating.  I feel so much better, but I need a hat because my head gets cold.  I took my shower, and I feel great.  I can’t wait for Mom and Dad to see it.  It really doesn’t look that bad.  I think I look like a small chinese boy off a karate movie, and Don thinks it’s something more like star trek girl. Eeither way, it’s just in time for halloween so it’s going to be fun. 

My rash and low platelet count, plus tons of scratching have left me looking like a speckled trout  or a lady in a symbiotic relationship from “Star trek”.  (that’s for you trekkies)

Have a great nite, and God Bless everyone!  Thanks for all the Cards, comments, love and prayers. Llove karen

posted under Notes from Karen
2 Comments to

“Oct 30, 11:20 pm, Friday nite”

  1. On October 31st, 2009 at 12:32 am Lisa Says:

    Well Karen I am glad you got rid of that pesky piece of hair that had a wave to it (It was the piece in the back). In case you don’t recall why I would say something like that, one day we were at work together and you commented on my hair that one piece had a wave to it and you said you had the same thing. I just wanted to try and make you smile. I think your shaved head is a bold statement. Maybe you will start a new 5th floor fashion trend. lol. You are a strong women with much love, support, and prayers behind you. You better not just be sitting there doing that chicken noodle soup for the soul crossword puzzle, get up keep moving. Something I always tell my patients keep your head up and focus straight in front of you. (I mostly tell them when they are walking so they don’t fall.lol). keep up the good work Karen I am sure you are doing a wonderful job being a patient. I hope you are proving that not all nurses are difficult patients. You have a good blessed halloween. Talk with you soon.

  2. On November 1st, 2009 at 8:59 am Mary Bus' Kummer Says:

    Hey Karen,
    Read your blog about shaving your head…That is great…and Don looks pretty good shaved too. It won’t be long and it will be growing back and this phase of your treatment will be over. Don’t be surprised when your hair comes back totally opposite of what you had before chemo. Not only may the color be different but the whole texture will be different..It may be natural curly like mine. I do pray that you have the rash totally under control and you are ready for your move today. Have a Blessed Sunday! You and your family are in my continued prayers.
    May God Bless you and continue to guide all the medical staff with your treatment. May he give you comfort and healing.
    Take care. Mary Bus’ Kummer

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