Karen's Day at Shands

Karen wanted a place for family and friends to be able to see how she is doing each day at Shands. This is how she is making that happen.

Oh the Nausea!


From Ginny’s perspective:  (Karen hasn’t felt well enough to blog in a few days but wanted me to update everyone.)  She is still walking (taking her laps around the “Y”).  She is absolutely exhausted and is very nauseated.  The nausea has increased greatly today.  She awoke to vomiting (the first time since chemo began) and has had to have Ativan and other meds round the clock to combat the nausea.  She doesn’t have a long attention span and can’t converse for very long at a time before she is utterly exhausted and must sleep for a while.  We have to encourage her to get up and sit or walk but she is doing it especially when the meds for nausea take effect.  They tell us that movement is important to ward off pneumonia that would complicate the chemo treatments.  It is a dance of sorts between the symptoms and fatigue.  I thought at one point she would throw me out of the room for questioning her if she wanted some crackers…she snapped and asked if “we had to talk about that right now!”  I understood the irritability to mean that she is very sick for that moment, because later she needed me to be the big sister and crawled up on our recliner with me and cuddled…just like when we were little girls.  When she was little she used to come and get in my narrow twin bed with me when she was scared or needed to cuddle in order to go to sleep.  At times as a young girl I would get aggravated with her and saw her as “dependent” and “needy” even though that was probably not the words I would have used back then.  Maybe “a pain” would have been more like it!  She is and has always been so small and when I hold her she is like a little sparrow.  She spent a while today cuddled as we talked about how she felt and how she wanted this to be over and resume her life again.  After a while, she was too tired and needed to get back in the bed for another nap.  It is funny that as an adult, I would hold her FOREVER!  Isn’t it interesting how God shows us mercy and  enables us as adults to show mercy, love, tenderness, and patience to our loved ones if we let Him.  I sure didn’t show these qualities to her when I was young.  I was telling dad today about us sharing a room when we were pre-teens and how I would tape off her side of  the room and DARE her to cross the line…I am not even sure if “my little shadow” had an exit (with all the tape) to the doorway.  I am sure that her “issues” of exit were probably not of my concern…(Ha) and yet I would have fought to the death for her if anyone else treated her as I did.  I wish that I could take this from her…but I don’t know if I would have her strength.  She truly is a fighter and I am so proud of her and her strength. 

She did have a few bright moments today…we applied a little makeup…she was so beautiful!  I spent some time massaging her back, brushing her hair, and holding her hand.  I love her so much!

Back to the chemo:  This evening the last bag (#7=7 days) was hung for the second round of chemo…Tomorrow is day one of the third chemo.  Her mouth is sore but she is still eating pretty well…some meals better than others.  She still has her hair but it appears to be changing.  A little wispier and I am finding a few peices here and there.  It looks a little thinner in places but we can brush it.  The chemo has made her “neutropenic” now so she is considered “immuno compromised” and extra diligent care has to be taken not to expose her to any germs.  She has to wear a mask out of the room.  Strict handwashing is observed.  She can not eat yoghurt (due to the cultures), no fresh fruit or veggies, no fountain drinks, no softserve icecream.  Basically, she can’t have anything that hasn’t been pastuerized or sterilized in some way. 

She misses her family…she talks about the kids coming to see her.  She is worried that she won’t have the energy to converse and spend time with them.  I told her it will be ok.  They will be patient and wait for the moments that she will be able to.  I hope that I am right!

Thanks everyone for the encouragment and prayers!  She is fighting the fight with strength and courage and grace that only God can give to someone in her shoes.  Again, thanks and love to you all.  May God bless you and keep you.  Gin

posted under Notes from Karen
12 Comments to

“Oh the Nausea!”

  1. On October 21st, 2009 at 9:32 pm mabkummer Says:

    Hey Karen,
    Just stopping in to let you know that i am lifting you up daily for much needed strength and comfort during your chemo treatment. I know that this is difficult to endure..but trust that our Loving God is with you and holding you in the palm of his hand. I pray that you stay very positive and know that we are all praying for you. May God continue to be with you through this journey and may you make a total recovery. God Bless…Thoughts and prayers going your way…Mary Bus’ Kummer

  2. On October 21st, 2009 at 10:11 pm Dennis Says:

    Hey Ginnie & Karen:

    I spoke to Don today and here is the plan for this weekend. Jacob & Dylan are coming in Friday evening with Don after he gets off work. Heather will be driving down early Saturday morning. I got a hotel room nearby (about 10 minutes away) for Saturday night for Heather, Jake, and Dylan so there won’t be so much cram in the 5th wheel.

    The boys are, of course, anxious about their mom – but looking forward to seeing her, and already talking abouit when she “gets back up here”. They are bringing down a thumb drive with a whole lot of photos of them and Heather and Randy. They are looking forward to holding and hugging their mom.

    They are brave boys and full of love for them mom. We all pray together for you Karen…everyday.

  3. On October 22nd, 2009 at 12:03 am Chris Burdeshaw Says:

    Hi Karen,
    Lisa sent me an email with your blog. I want you to know we are all praying for you. Know one thing, have faith that the Lord is by your side at all times and he will keep you safe. When I had my historectomy I was afraid I had never had surgery before but I put my faith in the Lord and I knew in my heart he was walking into surgery with me and I had no doubts that he would keep me safe. I know what I went through is nothing compared to what you are going through but I needed him just as much as you do. I knew I had no worries the Lord would take care of everything. I know you have the same faith that he will take care of you. Our prayers are for you and all of your family. Tell your Mom and Dad hello Ginnie and Lora too. Ginnie should remember me Lora probably doesn’t. If there is anything at all that we could do for you or any of your family we will be more than happy to help. I have always loved you like a daughter, you have always been very special to me. You are always like laughter and sunshine. I know you have a lot of strength to make it through this, after all you have a lot going for you and many, many loved ones, family and freinds who are praying for you and are there for you. I have faith that you will be home soon. I hope you have a good day and many more to follow.
    Lisa is coming home for Thanksgiving and of course she is planning on seeing you and so are we. I don’t have your cell number but my house number is the same number we have had all these years if you should want to call and talk.
    Lots of love and prayers

  4. On October 22nd, 2009 at 7:30 am benny and laura moore Says:

    hi karen! hi don!

    this website is a great way to keep up with all of your progress in fighting this disease…please let us know what we can do here to help you guys out…keep smiling!!

  5. On October 22nd, 2009 at 8:21 am REO Says:

    Good Morning Karen
    You are so fortunately to have such a loving family. You mean SO MUCH to them– each and every one of them –. Sometimes as children we are SO selfish…. Gin’s story about the tape brought back memories of me and my sister (I was Gin). But now, eventhough we live MILES apart I consider my sister my best friend. God and family–there is nothing better than unselfish LOVE to give one strength and courage. You have both – the Love of family by your side and the Love of God in your heart that has given you the strength to face this demon head on with Grace and conviction. It is wonderful that your children will be with you soon. Such comfort their hugs will bring, Im certain. Keep your spirit strong, and know you are not alone in this fight. You are in the prayers of SO MANY each and every day.
    Oh Yeah, KEEP WALKING !! That is SO IMPORTANT, especially now. Remember God will be holding your hand and taking every step with you.

  6. On October 22nd, 2009 at 8:36 am anash70 Says:

    Hi Karen,
    I want you to know I am thinking of you and praying for your recovery.
    Sounds like you have a very supportive family looking after you.
    I am glad you have this website to keep everyone updated.
    Take care and God bless.

  7. On October 22nd, 2009 at 11:06 am Lisa M. Says:

    I wanted to call you again today but I could tell from our conversation yesterday you were very tired and weak. I am going to give you a break from a phone call today but I still wanted you to know I was thinking about you as I always do and I will talk to you soon.

  8. On October 22nd, 2009 at 3:17 pm Patricia A. Eldridge Says:

    Karen, I wanted to let you know that I think of you constantly. I am trying to get off work and come and visit with Lisa when she gets here.

    I have been going through my pictures of us and I found the ones of us dressed in our leotards and posing, also the Burger King Photos. YOu are my sister and know that I love you and you are in my heart and prayers.
    I love you and your family they are like my family to me. I hope to see you soon.

    Love Pat

  9. On October 22nd, 2009 at 7:11 pm Madeline Brunty (Mom) Says:

    What a precious gift I am witnessing during Ginny’s visit. I am so blessed to have the children I have. Each one is a beautiful flower in my garden. Ginny fixed Karen’s hair and applied makeup. Just like the old days. I could see them just as they were back then. Shared secrets, sister things. Things you don’t let Mom know. LOL. We are laughing about old times and things they got by with and things they thought they got by with. Even though these days are tough, they are sweet too. Thank you everyone for your comments and your prayers. They are so encouraging. We will get through this and be back hopefully by Thanksgiving for awhile. Keep the prayers flying heavenward.

  10. On October 22nd, 2009 at 7:27 pm Leslie Flowers Says:

    Karen, I know these days seem so very long. I hope that you are able to focus on the goal and keep your spirits up. Gather your strength from your wonderful family. They will support you mentally and physically. You can do this and come out the other side knowing that you were never alone. I am praying for you all.

  11. On October 22nd, 2009 at 10:28 pm Laura McIver Says:

    Karen, I love you so much. I don’t share the childhood memories that you and Ginny share, but the adult ones……although I do remember being dragged beside a horse…..oh and me biting one of your boyfriend’s legs (was that Jimmy or Jerry?) We were the Bundy family.
    I am living life in a fog in P.C. Friends are telling me that they don’t know how much more they can take of me. I am grouchy (norm) and I am also somewhere else. It is like I have left my body only to return sometimes. I cannot focus and I feel loopy.
    I am praying hard. I trust God and know that He will walk you through this, but I don’t understand why it had to be you? You always get all the attention and I am tired of it. I came on Sunday and mom fusses not to bump your machine (remember I am 33 now). Dad jumps every time you need anything……hello…….do you remember when I had a broke foot and he squeezed it……that’s right….squeezed it. Can y’all believe that. What gives. Then Ginny flies down to be at your side and I am stuck babysitting…..as usual. I have all the dogs, horses, etc. Tee hee! I had to release tension with a little humor. I am not jealous, but would gladly take the sickness away from my sister. This experience has definitely taught me to love everyone. Life is all that matters, not petty garbage. Who cares how fat you are…how many wrinkles….and who did what to who. We are all human and ALL have fallen short of the Glory of God. I love you Karen! Praying wholly!

  12. On October 28th, 2009 at 8:12 pm Tom Says:

    Karen and family,
    Lois and I are here in Niceville FL and are lifting you up in prayer tonight and each day that follows into the future. We have place a card with our prayer request for your healing and comfort on the alter in Niceville FUMC church prayer room. This is a very special place, this prayer room, because Christians will be praying over you 24 hrs a day! We join your many friends and family as your support team.
    It is very special that you are allowing us to see comments that special people have written. Laura’s is especially wonderful! She hits the nail on the head when she said “I trust God and know that He will walk you through this.” We stand with her and do the same.

    GBU (God Bless You)

    Tom Sprague

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