Karen's Day at Shands

Karen wanted a place for family and friends to be able to see how she is doing each day at Shands. This is how she is making that happen.

Ups and Downs…changes quick here on the unit


From Ginny’s perspective:  Karen had a GREAT day.  She was up and having a good time quilting, painting, and even went to a sing-a-long this afternoon.  No problems at all…then around 7:30 p.m. started feeling bad.  Went to shivering and complained of spiking a temp…although the thermometer at that time didn’t agree.  By 9:00 p.m. temperature was 101.5 and she was started on Flagyl.  Blood has been taken via the central line and also from her hand (peripheral)…the results will be cultured and compared.  Had to be taken from both sites to rule out infection isolated in the central line vs. systemic (throughout her body).  Urine cultures also taken to rule out infection there as well.  Her white blood cells are no longer abundant (by tonight all white blood cells will be zero) and unable to fight infection which leaves her body completely vulnerable to any invader.  I must leave tomorrow afternoon…and it pains me to leave her not feeling well…

To all of you who want to visit her…she would love the visits however, if there is any chance that you are sick or you have been exposed to anyone who has been sick…Karen is not able to fight off any “bugs” at this time and it could put her in seriously grave danger.  Please, everyone, consider her first and call or write instead.  She does feel the love and would love to see everyone, but her safety must come first and we all want for her to be able to GO HOME!  Thanks again, Her big sister Gin 

10:00 p.m. Fever appears to be breaking…one anti nausea med (phenergan) is wearing off and another one (zofran) is taking hold…The amount of pills and meds that are being pumped in and swallowed is unbelievable!  I don’t think I have ever seen anything quite like this….but she appears to be feeling better even if she is still loopy and mixing up her words.

posted under Notes from Karen
6 Comments to

“Ups and Downs…changes quick here on the unit”

  1. On October 23rd, 2009 at 9:41 pm Mary Bus' Kummer Says:

    Hey Ginny,
    Give Karen a hug…I know how difficult it is to see her going through her ups and downs…she is strong…and i will continue to pray for strength, comfort, and healing.
    Take care. Mary

  2. On October 23rd, 2009 at 10:43 pm Laura McIver Says:

    Dear Lord, It’s me again. I don’t think I have ever prayed this much. I have learned so much in the last few weeks about You. I am learning to trust You. I pray that You heal my sister and bind the “bugs” that could infect her. I know that You are capable of all things good. I also know that You are with her when I cannot be. I pray that you carry my sister like “footprints in the sand” when she cannot carry herself. Help her to have the strength to keep moving to keep her lungs clear and free of pneumonia. I pray that You keep her from feeling the effects of the “chemo”. I pray that You heal her and let us continue to share more memories. I pray that You comfort her and hold her hand. I thank you for allowing me to have a wonderful family. I thank you for all the blessings this family has received. I know that this….to many….does not seem to be a blessing, but I also know that Satan meant it for “bad” and You meant it for “good”. Knowing that…..I would like to thank you for this as well. I know your plan is PERFECT and I will trust IN YOU. All things are possible to those who believe and tonight I am believing that my sister is being taken care of by the ABSOLUTE BEST!!! Yeah though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death….I will fear no evil (cancer) for THY kingdom come Thy will be done ON EARTH as it is in Heaven. My spirit knows that this will not tear this family down…..as Satan wants…..but will bring us closer and tighter together. We will become stronger in the LORD. So ha ha ha! Better luck next time Satan…. Oh that’s right…..your hands are already bound because there is nothing you can do unless the Lord wills it. My God is an awesome God! Karen keep you head up and know that I love you! Your little sis…Laura

  3. On October 24th, 2009 at 8:01 pm Madeline Brunty (Mom) Says:

    Another day at the BMTU (bone marrow transfer unit). What day is it? Does anyone know? The days are running together. Ginny left today and made it home safe although they hit turbulence at Richmond. Karen’s oldest and two youngest are here to see their Mom. Karen was soooo looking forward to their visit. She misses her family. They will be going home tomorrow. I have some prayer requests for dear people we have met here. Patti and Amber fighting the same battle as Karen. Patti is farther along in treatment than Karen. Amber is on her second treatment after remission. Both are sweet Christian ladies. Marni for brain tumors, and Bill for salvation. God put him in our path. The Bible says one plants, another waters; but God gives the increase. Pray for wateres to water the seed.

  4. On October 24th, 2009 at 10:40 pm Lisa M. Says:

    Hi Karen,
    I just wanted to say I am sorry I missed you when I called earlier today but I was glad to hear from Don you were having a good day. I to hear (from Ginny’s blog) that as the day progressed you began to not feel as well. I am always thinking about you and praying for you. I hope you are able to enjoy your time with your family and will call you again soon.
    Lisa M.

  5. On October 25th, 2009 at 1:34 am Stacie Hengy Says:


    I just heard you were sick and wanted to tell you that I am praying fervently for you. Keep the word of God in your heart and meditate on it frequently. Wish I could come visit….I have bronchitis at the present so I will send notes for now. Just know that I am thinking about you and if Don needs anything, I am right down the street. I would be happy to make a meal or two for the family.


  6. On October 25th, 2009 at 6:19 am Karen Says:

    thank you Stacie, Don is back here again, although he was able to go home last week to get some work done. I am so truly blessed by you and others. Those meals may come in handy when we come back home, so I promise you, I will keep it in mind 🙂
    love karen

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