Karen's Day at Shands

Karen wanted a place for family and friends to be able to see how she is doing each day at Shands. This is how she is making that happen.

We are missing Dylan and Jacob!


Don: Karen had an OK day at her Shands appointment. It was another long day. We talked a few times today but never long enough and we both wish she was in Panama City. I spent another long day at work. I just got home after not leaving the office until 10:00. I never seem to get caught up when I get to come home. The worst part is that even though I am in town I don’t get home in time to even see Jacob and Dylan, much less spend any time with them.

Karen and I spend much of our time on the phone talking about the boys and looking forward to spending time with them soon. It is impossible to make any real plans as each trip to the Dr. is another change in what we thought might be the plan for the next few days or a week. We just keep on going to the Dr. and waiting for them to tell us what they think might be on the agenda. Bottom line again today is that we are waiting for Karen’s numbers to start going up. She has not bottomed out yet from this round of treatment. We might be about there though. Today is day 15. We have a totally unofficial goal of her coming home after appointments on day 21 and 22. It might be for almost a week but we aren’t sure and aren’t counting on that happening.

Keep Karen and our family in your prayers and send her comments if you have time. She loves hearing from all of you, often!

posted under Notes from Don

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