Karen's Day at Shands

Karen wanted a place for family and friends to be able to see how she is doing each day at Shands. This is how she is making that happen.

Where we stand


Don: We stand on shakey ground. The further we move down the path toward Day 100 the more we realize that this is not over yet. We need more prayers and we need to make them more consistently and often. I honestly can’t explain exactly what is going on and neither can the doctors at this point. Let’s just say that it gets scarier just when we were expecting it to get easier. Is it medicine building up in Karen’s system? Is it leukemia still in the body but not where we can find it with the normal tests? Is it parts of the body that have been damaged by the procedures that we have gone through so far? Maybe a small stoke?

Karen is having trouble communicating and that builds frustration and gives us all stress. All of the items I listed above are things the doctors have given us as possibilities to what might be causing the speaking issues. They have done tests and MRIs trying to eliminate the most obvious possibilities. While they feel very sure that we are not looking at a stroke, they haven’t been able to determine what is the cause. Nothing in any blood tests shows levels that are out of line. Karen feels that the medication is the trouble. We have to have the types of drugs they are giving her but maybe they can offer different specific drugs that can do what needs to be done. It is most likely not one drug but how two or more are combining and building up in her system. We were not scheculed for a trip to Shands tomorrow (Sunday) but we called and are going in so they can get more bloodwork done. She was also given permission to not take one of the drugs until after she is seen in the morning. We will see if her symptoms lessen by the time we go in tomorrow.

We will update you all again as we get the details. God bless you all and Karen! Thanks for your support. Don

posted under Notes from Don
3 Comments to

“Where we stand”

  1. On July 11th, 2010 at 8:54 pm ANGIE (WV) Says:

    We are continueing to pray. You all are in our thoughs always. God will make us stronger as we go through the valleys.. I know you are not giving up.. We love you guys..
    Angie (WV)

  2. On July 12th, 2010 at 9:39 am Tina B Says:

    We are continuing to pray, too. Now that we have a bit more detail, I’ll make sure to update my prayer request at church with the new information. Thanks, Don, for updating us and Karen, we love you!

  3. On July 13th, 2010 at 1:37 pm Jan Evett Says:

    Praying for Karen and sharing with prayer groups for additional prayer support. God bless!

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